Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Taste of Country Sophistication in Oxfordshire

Restaurant at the Mill and Old Swan. Most elegant bar food ever tasted.
(All pictures below were taken with an iphone camera with notoriously low resolutions in poor lighting, so they do not do half justice to the food displayed.)

Spinach soup with poached egg.
Warm chorizo and new potato salad, with spinach and goat cheese, in balsamic dressing
Steak flatbread

The Fishes near Oxford
Sea Bass with cauliflower mash and watercress
Thai-marinated half quail, warm bok choy and bean sprout salad, lime and coriander dressing
Fish board: crayfish tails, potted crab, taramasalata, spicy cornish plaice goujons


pointreyes said...

where is my comment?? :(

No name said...

could only see this one